Disability:IN Minnesota’s NDEAM 2022 Social Media Campaign
October 5, 2022
2023: A Year in Review
January 9, 2024Disability:IN Minnesota network,
As we close out 2022, I am filled with gratitude and amazement while reflecting on all we have accomplished together. Our work in sharing best employment practices for hiring and retaining employees with disabilities and enhancing opportunities for skilled candidates with disabilities is critical.
Central to what we do, is how we do it, by partnering closely with our 40+ members. We saw 25% of our members received a 90% or higher rating in the Disability Equality Index. We also connected the disability community to jobs through Jobs Ability which saw 95+ employers, over 79,000 job postings and over 2,850+ potential candidate profiles.
Acknowledging all that we have done together, Disability:IN Minnesota was named the 2022 Affiliate of the Year at the Disability:IN Global Conference.
Minnesota continues to fare better than the nation in terms of employment among people with disabilities1 but the percentage remains low, driving us forward to 2023. Guided by the Board’s 3-year work plan, our hope is to reach further across Minnesota to showcase the benefits of a more diverse workforce.
On behalf of the Disability:IN Minnesota Board of Directors, thank you for being a part of our network. We look forward to ongoing partnerships and increasing opportunities for people with disabilities.
With gratitude,
Jamie Rudolph

Image Description:
Infographic for Disability:IN Minnesota
2022 Year in Review
A blue background that has three sections: Affiliate of the Year Award, Milestones, and Our Ability
Affiliate of the Year Award image with text, Disability:IN Minnesota named 2022 Affiliate of the Year at the Disability:IN Global Conference bit.ly/DI2022MN
A large green circle surrounding a light blue circle that reads, 4 Pillar Events
Green circles surrounding small white circles with the following statistics:
– 34 Career Connections Mentoring Program Participants
– 74 DOBE® Certified Business Owners, Affiliate Partners, & Attendees
–87 INclusive Career Fair Job Seekers, Employers, & Other Professionals
– 202 International Day of Persons With Disabilities Celebrants
A large green circle surrounding a light blue circle that reads, 8 Monthly Member Meetings
A green background with blue right facing arrows with overlaid text reading:
– Disability:IN Minnesota Members
– 40 members, 36 Renewing and 4 New
– All members completing the Disability Equality Index achieved 90% or higher
For information about the DEI, click here
Our Ability
Connecting the disability community to jobs on jobsability.com
A large blue circle surrounding a white circle with the Jobs Ability Logo and arrows pointing to the following statistics:
– 95+ Employers
– 79,000+ Job Postings
– 2850+ Candidates
Over 12,000 “Apply” clicks since 1/1/20!