Disability:IN Minnesota is a state affiliate of National Disability:IN.
Disability:IN Minnesota offers participating employers resources for recruiting candidates with disabilities, information on disability issues and topics, recognition for best disability employment practices, and exposure to an untapped market for goods and services.
Disability:IN Minnesota began with a small group of employers who were concerned that more than 70% of working-age people with disabilities were unemployed. This model purports a primary business principle–success breeds success. When an employer talks about the benefits of hiring candidates with disabilities, other employers are eager to do the same.
Disability:IN Minnesota celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2020. The affiliate began in August 2000 when Northwest Airlines hosted an executive breakfast to launch Disability:IN Minnesota. Northwest Airlines then served as the lead employer of Disability:IN Minnesota. The founding members of Disability:IN Minnesota’s steering committee included: 3M, American Express Financial Advisors, Deluxe, Medtronic, West Group, The Disability Institute, Millennium Technical Institute, and the Minnesota Department of Economic Security.
In 2003, Disability:IN Minnesota established itself as a 501c3 non-profit organization.
Disability:IN Minnesota employers are recognized both locally and nationally for upholding policies and practices that remove barriers for individuals with disabilities related to various aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, job accommodations, accessibility, benefits, training and advancement.